Sunday, October 10, 2010

Day 266-282/365

Welcome to my inconsistent blog, where I wait to show you many pictures from my 365 project. Today I have almost twenty photos to post. Some were really fun to make! I hope you enjoy looking through them! If you have a favorite, let me know in the comments below! Here they are:

Day 266/365

I thought I would try out a photo in the style of Jill Greenberg. I would recommend checking out her work. You can google her. She has taken photos of crying babies, and mainly did so when Bush got re-elected for his second term. Babies cried I guess when he was put back in the white house for a second term.

Day 267/365

Smashing head ache this day. Ever felt like this? Not fun

Day 268/365

Objects in the mirror are closer then they appear.

Day 269/365

I grew up on mario, and thought this idea would be really fun to try

Day 270/365

What do you think? Should I start wearing my beard like this?

Day 271/365

Just me and Owen. He is getting big!

Day 272/365

My Dad had recent surgery on his neck. So that night I made this photo for him. He is doing well now!

Day 273/365

Upside down day! Make sure your items are well strapped in!

Day 274/365

I decided to have my eyes implanted into my hands. Its easier for me to sneak around corners because I dont have to show my face when looking around them!

Day 275/365

Since I am always on my phone updating this, and updating that, I decided to have it permanently attached to me. Easier to carry around!

Day 276/365

Yum yum, sour gummy worms!

Day 277/365

I was just trying out some new catch lights in my eyes. This one is a round circle catch light. Almost something you would get from a ring flash. But I dont own a ring flash.

Day 278/365

Somewhat the same thing as yesterday. But this time the catch light in the eyes are stars! Can you see them?

Day 279/365

Owen and I again! He loves light. And loves his photo taken!

Day 280 and 281/365

I thought I would show both these in a row since they are the opposite of eachother. The first day (280) is Hate. Something I am not a fan of at all, but am surprised that there is a lot of it around. The second day is Love (281). Something I think there should be more of in this world.

Day 282

Last one for today. Just me. With a contrast light and shadows. I am looking scruffy! I need to shave!

Thanks for stopping by! Check back again for more 365 day photos! Also coming soon with be my real official blog that will be more geared towards client shoots and showing client photo sets! Let me know what you think of my photos in the comment section below!

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