Friday, January 28, 2011

New year 2011

Well, I am trying to make a comeback to my blog here. I am hoping to make this blog more of an active one. I have not been around on it for a while now, and have seen the numbers of visitors drop because of my inactivity. I have revamped myself for 2011. With the release of my newly designed website (still working on a bit), which you can go view at, I have decided that I would also like to be a more active blog poster so that I can share more in detail of the shoots I have, and everything else that happens to me in the photography world and in my life. I have already had quite a few shoots this month and have a couple more before the close of the month. So come back to see whats going on in my life. Here is to the first post, of many more to come in 2011!

As a parting to this first post, I thought I would share a new piece of gear I just got in the mail this week. A photography product table. I finaly got it set up last night, thanks to the help of my wife, who pretty much had to take apart the progress I made on putting it together and re-put it together due to me reading directions wrong. I thought after it was together I would give it a go. This leaf has been begging to be photographed for a while. This leaf has been naturally aged by the elements- Mainly a bunch of rain, then drying out, then rain, then dry then rain, then snow, then wet, then dry. Its been sitting out in the driveway for months. Since last fall I think. So I finally picked it up and brought it in, and the results are very nice. The detail in the dead leaf is amazing.

Now if you want to see the detail a bit bigger, click here.

Thanks for stopping in!

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