Wednesday, May 5, 2010

125/365 iHappy

Well if I am ever let near money again it will be a phenomenon. Really, it will. This is our new family toy. Really for me, but my wife is allowed to touch. LOL. It is awesome for photoshop and Lightroom! 27 inches is much better than 13 inches, or so I think! My wife might disagree with me on this one. So I had this idea today for my photo and I think its pretty funny. My wife helped shoot it by pushing the shutter release.


Kimberlyn said...

That's sure nice of you to give me rights to touch the imac, you sure are sweet.

Brena and Jered said...

You'd better be kissing that wife of yours a million and one times for that...and maybe even a few hundred foot rubs! You'd better not get her mad at you or she will ask our mom to help her put a virus on it.

Cheno said...

Love my 27" iMac - nice tax write off, too! ;)