Wednesday, February 3, 2010

34/365 Close Call

If you are trying a 365 day photo project, do not try this at home or anywhere...I am what you would call a professional (at not poking my eye out with a knife). If you decide to try this, I wont be held responsible if you end up having to wear a pirate patch the rest of your life, or a glass eye. Though I think it would be pretty cool to have a glass eye. I would get many different styles. Have any of you seen "Last Action Hero"? Arnold Schwarzenegger is the main character in it, but the main bad guy has many different styles of glass eyes in it. That would be cool. You could play plenty of pranks with a glass eye. But I think I will stay with my real eye instead. I like seeing too much. Couldn't do photography without seeing. Well this is a real knife (kitchen aid) and the knife is really that close to my eye. No editing the knife in. What you see is what you get. Here it is:


Kimberlyn said...

You should probably say in your disclaimer that your wife didn't like this idea much.

golf4birds said...

Your mom probably not too happy either...

Stephers said...

YOU ARE CRAZY! But I must say it is a very cool pic, probably one of my favorites so far :)

Team Worner said...

Chase! I can't even look at this picture!! It is SCARY! You are a turrible knucklehead!!!