DAY 10!!!! Double digits!!! I was curious what I would look like as a Na'vi. If you dont know what that is then you have not seen the movie Avatar yet. It is a very good movie. I would recommend you go see it. I went to lunch and then to Avatar with my father yesterday. I had seen it once but he had not seen it yet. So we went. I would go see it again. Actually I would love to go see it on the IMAX screen in 3D. That would be really great! Today was a decent day too. After church I took the time shooting this photo and doing the edit. I did not think it would take so long. But it was quite the task to edit this. I did shoot myself in blue but then had to do the rest of the editing. Well here it is!
That looks AWESOME. A little creepy, but really cool :)
This is Stephanie Postma!
I'm kind of freaked out right now.
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